Shreveport Water Works Museum - Tours & Attractions - Shreveport, Louisiana

City: Shreveport, LA
Category: Tours & Attractions
Telephone: (318) 221-3388
Address: 142 N. Common St.

Description: Located on the banks of Cross Bayou, this museum houses the McNeill Pumping Station, the first municipal station in the area. Steam-driven pumps were installed at the site in 1887 and, with few modifications, remained operational until 1994. The mere existence of the pumping station makes it unique; it is one of the last remaining pumping stations of its era still intact. Further, a couple of its Worthington pumps are thought to be the last in existence. On your tour you will discover that the station was one of the first in the United States to introduce water filtration and chorine. In short, Shreveport would simply not have survived without this plant. Water is the life force of any community; come explore a facility that still makes life possible in downtown, a section of North Shreveport, as well as Barksdale Air Force Base. It is one of two National Historic Landmark sites in Shreveport. Open 12 to 4 p.m., Mon through Fri, and 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on Sat. Group tours during regular operating hours can be arranged in advance either by calling or using the online Tour Request Form. And locals are encouraged to volunteer to keep this facility painted and fully restored; let’s get those steam engines working again so the public can experience the past in action.
