Retirement - Kansas City, Missouri


We’ll be the first to admit that Kansas City hasn’t made its reputation as the retirement center of the universe. Maybe we should. After all, the wonderful attributes that make this town great for families—low cost of living, a wealth of recreational choices, vibrant arts and culture environment, friendly people, and excellent health care options—make it a terrific place to retire. And if you’re leaving one career and thinking about starting another, our network of college courses and entrepreneurial programs will help you get started, you young whippersnapper, you.

Best of all, we treat older Americans as the gems they are. Want proof? The Shepherds Centers of America started right here in Kansas City. This seniors-helping-seniors program helps participants maintain independent and productive lifestyles while they enjoy newfound creative outlets. Activities range from meal delivery, to legal counseling, to classes in art, to writing, to travel. Today the concept has been copied at more than a hundred centers nationwide, with new sites opening every year.

Kansas City is also home to one of the country’s most respected retirement communities, John Knox Village, which has been instrumental in developing programs and excellent living options for seniors for more than 30 years. In fact, our senior communities are so stellar, Mom and Dad might have to fight off their kids wanting to move in with them. Again.

You’ll find the right living arrangement to fit your lifestyle, including luxurious villas with a health club, salon, and garden outside your door; assisted care facilities; and even services that care for patients with Alzheimer’s.

Let’s take a look at all the services and programs available for our mature residents. You might find yourself fudging on your birth certificate just to be able to participate.

Opportunities are listed in alphabetical order by category, followed by a Retirement Communities section. Organizations are located in Kansas City, Missouri, unless otherwise noted.

1. Brown & Gold Club

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (913) 469-8500, ext. 4305
Address: 12345 College Blvd.

Description: If you’re a Johnson County resident age 55 and older, this is your ticket to ride. For a mere $10 a year you can take credit classes free (some restrictions apply), get discounted fees for continuing education courses, and attend parties, special lectures, and events throughout the year. Since the club began in 1972, more than 5,000 members have joined. Programs include travel, from trips as close as Overland Park’s New Theatre Restaurant to a 10-day Caribbean cruise; social events such as a dance for St. Valentine’s Day; special lectures; and discounted or free tickets to entertainment at the college’s Carlsen Center. It’s enough to make you lie about your age.

2. Seniornet

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (913) 469-2323

Description: Keep in touch with friends around the world, learn more about health issues, or sell your rocking chair on eBay. Older Americans are jumping onto the computer with help from programs like SeniorNet. This nonprofit organization provides computer instruction and access to an online network in an easy-to-learn and fun environment. SeniorNet has more than 22,000 members in the Western Hemisphere and more than 125 sites across the country. In the Kansas City area, classes are taught at several locations, including KCPT, the public television station, and the Johnson County Community College campus in Overland Park. Membership is $35 a year. For information or to join, contact the area coordinator, John Duff, at the number shown above.

3. Classic Senior Games

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (816) 795-8200, ext. 1278

Description: Each September, this Olympic-style event brings out the competitive nature in men and women who don’t feel 50 years old. But that’s the minimum age for these games; you’ll also see plenty of participants pushing 80. Sports include swimming, tennis, track and field, and horseshoes. Medals are awarded for a variety of categories. This four-day event is recognized by the United States National Senior Sports Organization.

4. 50 Plus Program

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (913) 831-3355

Description: Arts and crafts classes, group travel, cards and games, gardening . . . do these folks ever slow down? Johnson County’s 50 Plus Program offers so many classes and events there’s no time to grow old and creaky. A recent list of springtime activities included West Coast Swing, Latin Rhythm Workout, Working with Digital Photography, Hands-On Investing, Basic Spanish, and a rather curious class, New Spouse Checklist. Travel opportunities have included trips to China and the Yangtze River, Spain and Portugal, and Branson, Missouri.Other programs include regular health screenings at reduced or no cost, CPR training, yoga, and joining friends for regular nature walks. What are you waiting for?

5. Senior Arts Council

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (913) 897-4165

Description: This group began in 1977 as a way for senior arts and crafters to showcase their talent and continue to learn new creative skills. Each meeting, held the last Monday of each month at 1 p.m., includes a guest artist or speaker. The fee is $10.

6. Senior Peers Actively Renewing Knowledge (Spark)

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (816) 235-2870
Address: 4825 Troost

Description: You’ve got to love this acronym, eh, Sparky? This program, hosted by the University of Missouri–Kansas City and affiliated with Elderhostel Institute for Learning in Retirement, provides courses each summer at the school’s campus. Noncredit courses touch on such topics as computers, the Internet, Spanish, music, and Kansas City history. Most classes meet once a week for four, six, or eight periods. An annual SPARK membership costs $51 and includes three classes and admission to various social activities throughout the year. There is a fee, usually around $10, for each additional class. Call the number above for more information. Persons with speech or hearing impairment may call Relay Missouri at (800) 735-2966 (TT), or (800) 735-2466 (voice).

7. Shepherd’S Center Of Kansas City Central

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Address: 5200 Oak (and other locations)

8. American Association Of Retired Persons

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Address: 700 W. 47th St., Suite 110

9. Aarp’S 55 Alive/Mature Driving Program

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (866) 389-5627
Address: 700 W. 47th St., Suite 110

Description: This program is just what is says: teaching older Americans how to drive defensively. The comprehensive, eight-hour course covers topics such as age-related changes that can affect vision, hearing, and physical strength. Check with your auto insurance carrier; some agencies provide discounts to seniors who have completed the course.

10. Area Agency On Aging–Johnson County

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (913) 894-8811 (press “1” for
Address: 11875 S. Sunset, Suite 200

Description: The goal of the AAA is to help older adults in Johnson County maintain independence and dignity in their own homes and in the community. A few of the programs include in-home services such as minor repairs and preparing for winter; noon meals and fellowship at senior centers and through home-delivered meals for homebound seniors; legal services and insurance counseling; and client assessment referral and evaluation (CARE), which provides preadmission assessments for persons considering nursing facilities or long-term care services. In addition, the Catch-a-Ride program (913-477-8105) provides older adults and persons with disabilities with a free ride to grocery stores, senior centers, and health care appointments.

11. Area Agency On Aging–Kansas City

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Address: 600 Broadway, 300 Rivergate Center

12. Catholic Charities

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (913) 621-1504
Address: 2220 Central Ave.

Description: The volunteer opportunities at this organization are as big as your heart. This nondenominational group is always grateful for people who serve at community kitchens, read to small children, mentor youths in need, set up households for immigrants, and serve as hospice caregivers. Catholic Charities helps more than 75,000 people every year; you can make it 75,001.

13. Heart Of America United Way

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Telephone: (816) 235-6675

Description: The umbrella organization services hundreds of not-for-profit groups throughout the greater Kansas City area and serves as a resource center for volunteer opportunities. Give them a call to match your talents with a need, or show up at their annual Day of Caring, held every June. This communitywide service event mobilizes volunteers from over 126 companies, federal agencies, and labor unions.

14. Retired & Senior Volunteer Program (Rsvp)

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement

Description: This program gives seniors a chance to learn new skills and share their expertise with others while making new friends through volunteering. Opportunities include serving as ambassador at the airport, becoming a resource guide at Union Station, or mentoring students at area schools. Contact the United Way at Jackson, Clay, and Platt Counties at (816) 474-5111, ext. 245; in Wyandotte County it’s (913) 371-3674. Or call the Johnson County Volunteer Center, (913) 341-1792.

15. The Service Corps Of Retired Executives (Score)

City: Kansas City, MO
Category: Retirement
Address: 4747 Troost
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