Relocation - Hill City, South Dakota

1. Central Hills Real Estate, Inc.

City: Hill City, SD
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (605) 574-6000, (800) 682-9149
Address: 349 Main St.

Description: The residents-turned-real-estate agents here handle commercial and residential listings primarily in Hill City, Custer, and Rapid City. The company also sells real estate at auction.

2. Matkins Realty

City: Hill City, SD
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (605) 574-2628
Address: 114 Main St., P.O. Box 56

Description: This agency deals in all types of real estate in Hill City and the surrounding area, including Keystone and Custer. The office, which opened in 1983, can help you locate a rental house or apartment, too. Relocation information is available.

3. Hill City Chamber Of Commerce

City: Hill City, SD
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (605) 574-2368, (800) 888-1798
Address: 23935 US 385

4. Hill City Public Library

City: Hill City, SD
Category: Relocation
Telephone: (605) 574-4529
Address: 324 Main St.
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