Shopping - Keystone, South Dakota

1. The Indians

City: Keystone, SD
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (605) 666-4864, (866) 845-3426
Address: 141 Winter St.

Description: Items on the shelves here represent the work of artisans from many tribes, and the store’s Indian Arts and Crafts Association membership certificate (it’s a charter member) is your guarantee of authentic Native American craftsmanship. There are works by local artists and crafters and an array of southwestern silver-and-turquoise jewelry, baskets, sand paintings, kachina dolls, and genuine Navajo rugs. Beadwork, quillwork, pottery, dance sticks, drums, moccasins, denim clothing, toys, and a great selection of books also keep you browsing. The store is open seven days a week year-round.

2. Black Hills Glass Blowers

City: Keystone, SD
Category: Shopping
Telephone: (605) 666-4542
Address: 901 Old Hill City Rd.

Description: This is the working studio of glass artists Gail Damin and Pete Hopkins. You can watch them create their glass art but, they stress, only when they’re working, which is not all the time. It’s best to call ahead if you want to see a glass artist in action, or in the winter months to make sure the studio is open. Gail and Pete do both lamp (or flame) working and offhand (or traditional) glassblowing. They make figurines, such as unicorns and dragons, and colorful art glass, including vases and bowls.
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