Restaurants - Boynton Beach, Florida

1. Banana Boat

City: Boynton Beach, FL
Category: Restaurants
Address: 739 East Ocean Ave.

2. Fon Shan Chinese Restaurant

City: Boynton Beach, FL
Category: Restaurants
Telephone: (561) 641-0500
Address: 4735 North Congress Ave.

Description: This is an unheralded Chinese restaurant that nonetheless draws rave reviews. In fact, it often draws what, for a Florida Chinese restaurant, is the highest praise—it’s often compared with the great New York Chinese restaurants. The barbecued ribs are great, as is the finger-lickin’ sauce they come with. The garlic chicken with eggplant comes in a spicy brown sauce. Keep an eye out for the lobster specials, too; you get your choice of four different styles of lobster. You can even enjoy diet dishes, which come with no MSG, sugar, salt, or corn starch, and they’re surprisingly good. Try the steamed mixed vegetables delight, or the steamed shrimp and chicken delight. Serves wine and beer.

3. Hurricane Alley Raw Bar & Restaurant

City: Boynton Beach, FL
Category: Restaurants
Address: 529 East Ocean Ave.
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