Firefall - Annual Events & Festivals - Springfield, Missouri

City: Springfield, MO
Category: Annual Events & Festivals
Telephone: (417) 864-1049, (800) 678-8767
Address: 5000 West Kearney St.

Description: Attend Firefall, and you’ll know why the Springfield Symphony Orchestra has such strong community support. This is some Fourth of July party—though it’s not always held on the Fourth of July. Call to find out the exact date. It’s an all-day-into-the-night affair, so pack a blanket and a picnic lunch, or buy lunch at the site. Entertainment is held throughout the day in the open fields near Springfield/Branson Regional Airport, and entertainers from shows on The Strip almost always participate. The climax of the evening is music by the Springfield Symphony with synchronized fireworks. There is always a large crowd (part of the fun), and parking is at a premium (not fun), but shuttle buses run from sites in Springfield to Firefall. The admission price is usually $5 per family or carload.Other fireworks displays to celebrate Independence Day are held in Hollister, (417) 334-3050; Kimberling City, (417) 739-2564; Point Lookout, (417) 334-6411; Rockaway Beach, (417) 561-4280; and Shell Knob, (417) 858-3300.
