Health Care - Springfield, Missouri

1. Cox Medical Center North

City: Springfield, MO
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (417) 269-3000
Address: 1423 North Jefferson Ave.

2. Cox Medical Center South

City: Springfield, MO
Category: Health Care
Address: 3801 South National Ave.

3. Doctors Hospital, Springfield

City: Springfield, MO
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (417) 837-4000
Address: 2828 North National Ave.

Description: Doctors Hospital specializes in geriatric and psychiatric care. It has about a 15 percent share of the Springfield market. Doctors Hospital is able to provide approximately 80 percent of all health-care service needs, and they refer patients requiring more extensive treatment to facilities that deliver specialty care. The Springfield facility has a twenty-four-hour emergency room, an obstetrics unit and ward, an intensive-care unit, and other general hospital services. It also features a women’s care facility, outpatient/ambulatory facility, an occupational health center, and an extended-hours clinic.

4. Seasons Hospice

City: Springfield, MO
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (417) 890-5533
Address: 1831 W. Melville

Description: A nonprofit faith based hospice serving all surrounding counties. They believe that Hospice treats the person, not the disease; focuses on family and friends, not just the individual; and emphasizes the quality of life, not the duration.
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