Health Care - Charlotte, North Carolina

31. The Relatives Crisis Shelter

City: Charlotte, NC
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (704) 377-0602
Address: 1100 East Blvd.

Description: This family-oriented crisis-mediation center provides emergency shelter (1 to 14 days) with round-the-clock admittance for young people ages 7 to 17. Free and confidential services include individual and family mediation, community referral, follow-up, and 24-hour assistance by hotline or walk-in visit. Services are available to both parents and children.

32. Thompson Child & Family Focus

City: Charlotte, NC
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (704) 376-7180
Address: 2200 East Seventh St.

Description: What began as an Episcopal Orphanage in 1886 has evolved into a multifaceted agency that assists at-risk children and families through healing, teaching, worship, and play. Thompson merged with The Family Center in 2008 to provide a higher level of service.

33. United Family Services

City: Charlotte, NC
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (704) 332-9034
Address: 601 East Fifth St., Ste. 400

Description: A United Way agency, United Family Services offers counseling and education, crisis intervention, domestic violence services, and economic independence assistance. Family counseling is available. Fees vary and are based on a sliding scale; however, no one is turned down because of an inability to pay. The Big Brothers/Big Sisters division (704-377-3963) provides adult friendship and guidance to children ages 7 to 15 living in single-parent families in the Mecklenburg County area. 
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