Health Care - Conway, South Carolina

1. Conway Medical Center

City: Conway, SC
Category: Health Care
Address: 300 Singleton Ridge Rd.

2. The Waccamaw Center For Mental Health

City: Conway, SC
Category: Health Care
Address: 164 Waccamaw Medical Park Dr.

3. Shoreline Behavioral Health Services

City: Conway, SC
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (843) 365-8884
Address: 2404 Wise Rd.

Description: Shoreline Behavioral Health Services works with the South Carolina Department of Alcohol, other drug abuse services, and numerous local individuals, agencies, and organizations to reduce and control problems related to the use of alcohol and other drugs. They accomplish this through a variety of primary prevention, intervention, and treatment services. The agency strives to provide affordable and accessible quality services to the general public, as well as to special and high-risk populations. Services include a 10-bed Psychoactive Substance Abuse Dependency facility (PSAD), day and evening counseling services, employee assistance programs, a DUI education program, and lots more. Fees are based on services received, and a variety of payment plans are available.

4. Department Of Health And Environmental Control

City: Conway, SC
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (843) 365-3126
Address: 2830 Oak St.

Description: DHEC provides pregnancy tests, blood tests, immunizations, family planning, and tuberculosis screening. The agency can provide health care to the homebound, depending upon the particular circumstances. This department is always happy to provide the larger community and schools with health promotion and educational programs.

5. Department Of Social Services (Dss)

City: Conway, SC
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (843) 915-7400
Address: 1951 Industrial Park Rd.

Description: The mission of the South Carolina Department of Social Services is to ensure the health and safety of children and adults who cannot protect themselves, to help people in need of financial assistance reach their highest level of social and economic self-sufficiency, and to help parents and caregivers provide nurturing homes. In short, the agency states its goal as helping people to live better lives. From child support services to elder care, DSS provides a wealth of health- and human-services information.

6. Diabetic Outreach

City: Conway, SC
Category: Health Care
Telephone: (843) 347-8108
Address: 300 Singleton Ridge Rd.

Description: A registered nurse and dietician are on hand for this group’s monthly meetings, held the first Thursday of every month at 2 p.m. in the Finlayson Classroom of Conway Medical Center. A gastric bypass support group meets the second Tuesday of each month at 7 p.m. at the Conway Medical Center Wellness and Fitness Center.
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